#3 of 7—Believing to Win the Game of Life

Of the seven requirements for you to win in the Game of Life, our previous conversation addressed preparation as #4. Here is #3.

Running a 100 meters or any other race, it is virtually impossible to win unless you believe you can; in fact, you must know you will! Just a shadow of doubt will cost the most skilled runner that fraction of a second that separates winners from losers.

Your life’s journey is no different. The way you think—what you believe—predetermines your fate and fortunes in life. Your belief system is composed of your thoughts about life, your general philosophy, attitudes, imagination, values, morals and even taboos.

If those processes and mental states are characterized by fear, anger, regret and cynicism, your life will definitely become a reflection of the bad and undesirable. If your mental processes and basic assumptions are optimistic, forgiving, confident, enthusiastic, visionary, considerate of others and driven to impart value, your life will bubble with hope, joy, productivity and wellbeing—both financial and emotional.

You have been given power to get more done than those bigger, more educated and more experienced than you. Believe it. Make it so. Do not choose to be limited by naysayers, your upbringing, past problems or present circumstances. No excuses. Go for greatness.

For #2, check back next week. 😊


  • How does one actually change one’s belief system? It is so embedded as part of who one is.
  • Isn’t thinking over-rated? What good is dreaming if we don’t take action and get things done?

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