#4 of 7—Preparation for the Game of Life

To avoid failing repeatedly in the Game of Life, you must practice these seven requirements. Our previous conversation addressed shedding the baggage as #5; here is #4.

You must prepare and practice. However, you may not expect what you are about to read. The vast majority of people in the world—over 90%— fail to achieve their dreams or highest purpose before they die, but NOT because of lack of preparation or ability. Rather, they do not start!

It is important to prepare for success. Wouldn’t it be foolish to interview for a job in organic chemistry if you hadn’t even studied Chemistry 101? That situation, however, is not the typical case. Fear, procrastination and self-doubt tend to under-state the degree to which we are actually prepared and capable. There is something odd about success. It requires the obvious basics of preparation, but you absolutely cannot be 100% prepared—the world changes too fast. Start, be prepared to fail often and open your mind to learn. Success demands on-the-job preparation.

Have you been hiding from the starting blocks to the greatest race of your life? What is it, and when will you be adequately prepared? Name one self-made successful person and I’ll show you someone who made mistakes, acted before all the research and planning was complete and persisted until he figured out the way.

For #3, check back next week. 😊


  • How does one know when the basic preparation is complete?
  • Aren’t lack of planning and experience responsible for the high failure rate in business?

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