#1 of 7—Finish to Win the Game of Life

The #1 greatest travesty for one competing in a race is to give up, stop prematurely and fail to finish!  The athletic race, the business race or any other, occasionally requires you to give up, adopt an exit strategy and start over. However, in the human race, you are running the race of your life and there is no restart.

How do you quit the Game of Life? Here are the two most powerful, most fatal ways:
#2) Fall down on the tracks and refuse to get up and go again. Then, hopes, dreams and aspirations are replaced by pessimism, desperation and finally, apathy. You become the walking dead.
#1) Exit the game and turn to suicide. Then, you wound every other runner in the human race and virtually destroy those who run with you—family, friends and associates.

Here is great hope: Athletic races are zero-sum games of scarcity in which the runners who win, cause the others to lose; however, the race of life is an abundance game in which everyone can win.  We do not compete against each other; when we help each other, it eventually moves us ahead. In this Game of Life, you have only two competitors—yourself and time.

What are you doing today so that tomorrow you will be better and greater than you were yesterday? Examine yourself to see if you are stuck with the same old you from the past, when all the world around you is changing and life beckons you to transform, excel and expand.

Time will not stop for you. To stop is to go down and backward—another way of failing to finish. Sure, be persistent, get up when you fall and don’t quit, but more than that, strive to do more, achieve more and become more. Fight the good fight, finish your course and keep the faith!


  • But is winning everything—and isn’t that a product of western capitalist meritocracy?
  • In business, how does one know when to take an exist strategy and restart?

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To see #2 through #7, CLICK HERE
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